Air Cooler Ventilation Solution for FMCG Industry
Air Cooler Ventilation Solution

Overheating Problem of FMCG Industry:

Marico is part of an FMCG industry in Jalgaon. Machines worked throughout the day, causing the factory environment to feel hot and machines to overheat. This was the reason workers felt suffocated and uncomfortable. The lack of ventilation adversely affected employee productivity. For this purpose, Marico wished for a solution that provided adequate cooling and ventilation.

Air Cooler Ventilation Solution for FMCG Factory:

Symphony Large Space Venti-Cooling experts surveyed the site and suggested 3 units of SPS 09. This provided a cool atmosphere with efficient ventilation such that employee productivity increased tremendously. Machines did not face overheating issues and the workplace environment was comfortable leading the employees to work enthusiastically.

With the mission of 27° C World, Symphony Large Space Venti-Cooling is cooling the world without warming the planet. To join the mission and save the environment, book a free site Inspection now!