Cost-effective Duct Cooling System
Industrial venti cooling system manufacturer

Industrial Cooling Problem:

CRISP is a training institute for students who wish to learn technical skills where Rs. 63,000 were spent per month to air condition the 3600 square feet space. There was a need to cut down the high power consumption prevalent and design an industrial cooling solution for improving the productivity and health of the students and staff.

Industrial Cooling Solution:

Symphony Large Space Venti-Cooling engineers and design team customised a cost-effective duct system. They replaced 30 AC units of 1.5-ton capacity each with three air coolers—2 PAC 12TC units and 1 PAC 06TC unit. The operating costs scaled down to Rs. 8000 per month providing maximum cooling and clean, ventilated fresh air that improved productivity and created a healthy working environment.

With the mission of 27° C World, Symphony Large Space Venti-Cooling is cooling the world without warming the planet. To join the mission and save the environment, book a free site Inspection now!