Large Space Venti Cooling Solution
Large Space Venti Cooling Solution for Manufacturing Plant

Air Cooling Problem with Increasing Temperature:

A global manufacturer of glass, HNG Float Glass, the manufacturing plant produced excessive heat which resulted in an uncomfortable working environment for the employees. HNG Float Glass Electrical Control required an effective solution to reduce intense heat by effective air cooling because furnaces for glass-making increase the temperature of the working space.

Best Large Space Cooling Solution:

Symphony Large Space Venti-Cooling experts surveyed the site and came to the conclusion that 1 unit of SPS 18 would effectively bring down the temperature and which would in turn increase the employee productivity for the company. At the same time, it would also keep the machines and other equipment in proper working condition. With minimum air conditioning cost and large space cooling, Symphony proved to be the best solution.

With the mission of 27° C World, Symphony Large Space Venti-Cooling is cooling the world without warming the planet. To join the mission and save the environment, book a free site Inspection now!