Here’s how you can make your banquet hall customer-friendly

As a banquet hall owner, you must have realised that the basic expectation of any guest who is hosting a celebration is powerful cooling.If you’re looking for a cost-effective cooling solution that attracts more customers to your banquet hall, then Symphony Large Space Venti-Cooling is the perfect fit as the cooler for big halls.

Air Handling Unit for Banquet Hall

Symphony Large Space Venti-Cooling when employed as central air cooler for home or other big spaces, and industries is a unique combination of cooling and ventilation that maintains a constant flow of fresh air in the banquet hall at all times.

  • Odour control : A banquet hall is a place for celebration where food becomes an inevitable part of the occasion. Symphony Large Space Venti-Cooling can control the odour that wafts in the air through the constant circulation of fresh and cool air inside the banquet hall.
  • Cost-efficient : Air Handling Unit Solution Only one unit of Symphony LSV air handling unit can cool up to 2500 sq. ft. at less than ₹ 1/ft² per month. This makes it one of the most affordable and amazing large space coolers on the market today. The low cost of cooling means that the rent for the customers is also low, thereby attracting more customers to the hall.
  • Apt for semi-open spaces : Unlike an HVAC system, you don't need to close your space for Symphony Large Space Venti-cooling. It works efficiently for both large open and semi-open spaces and provides you ambient cooling with the benefits of ventilation. In a banquet hall, there is continuous movement in and out by the guests as well as by the staff.
  • Quick installation : Symphony Large Space Venti-Cooling can be installed easily. First, the manager or owner of the banquet hall needs to fill up a form for a free site survey. After the experts of Symphony observe the banquet hall, they will suggest the appropriate model and the number of units that will efficiently cool the space. The installation is easy and quick and can be done within hours.

Powerful cooling and effective ventilation of a banquet hall is bound to increase customer satisfaction and attract more customers to celebrate their special moments.

Book your free site inspection here.

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